@comment{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.98}}
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address = {Hanoi, Vietnam},
author = {Marquesuza{\`a}, Christophe and Etcheverry, Patrick},
booktitle = {{RIVF - Research, Innovation, Vision for the Future of Information and Telecommunications Technologies}},
editor = {BELLOT, Patrick and DUONG, Vu and BUI, Marc and (Editors), Bao Ho},
hal_id = {hal-00353153},
hal_version = {v1},
month = mar,
note = {6 pages publi{\'e}es dans Addendum Contributions to the 5th International Conference on Research, Innovation, Vision for the Future of Information and Telecommunications Technologies.},
pages = {13--18},
pdf = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00353153/file/MarquesuzaaEtcheverry.pdf},
publisher = {{Editions SUGER}},
series = {{Collection Informatique}},
title = {{Implementing a Visualization System suited to Localized Documents}},
url = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00353153},
year = {2007}